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What is construction consultancy? – the key to effective and safe construction.

What is construction consultancy? – the key to effective and safe construction.

What is construction consultancy? It is an essential part of every step of the construction process as it helps ensure that buildings are safe, sound and compliant. In this article, we will discuss what construction consulting is and what its benefits are.


Construction consultancy jest niezwykle ważne na każdym etapie procesu budowlanego, od planowania po wykonanie i utrzymanie budynków. Pomaga zapewnić, że budynki są bezpieczne, wytrzymałe i zgodne z przepisami prawnymi. W Polsce, construction consultancy jest regulowane przez Ustawę z dnia 15 grudnia 2000 r. o samorządach zawodowych architektów oraz inżynierów budownictwa.

Construction consultancy obejmuje szeroki zakres działań, w tym projektowanie, planowanie, nadzorowanie budowy, kontrolę jakości i ocenę techniczną budynków. Doradztwo budowlane może być świadczone przez indywidualnych doradców technicznych lub firmy doradcze.

What is construction consultancy?

Construction consultancy to proces udzielania porad i pomocy w zakresie projektowania, budowy i utrzymania budynków. Construction consultancy jest istotne, ponieważ pomaga zapewnić, że budynki są bezpieczne, wytrzymałe i zgodne z przepisami prawnymi.

Construction consultancy can cover many different activities, such as:

  • building design
  • construction planning
  • construction supervision
  • quality control
  • technical assessment of buildings
  • doradztwo w zakresie wyboru materiałów budowlanych
  • consultancy in the field of energy efficiency and ecology
  • advice on construction and maintenance costs
  • szkolenia dla pracowników budowlanych
Czym jest doradztwo budowlane
Construction consultancy principles of Voltex invest

The benefits of building consultancy are numerous. Here are some highlights:

The principles of good practice in construction consultancy applied at Voltex Invest

Współpracownicy Voltex Invest stosują zasady dobrej praktyki w doradztwie budowlanym, aby inwestorzy bez szczegółowej wiedzy technicznej czuli się pewnie podczas świadczenia dla nich usługi a ich problemy budowlane są dobrze przemyślane i fachowo wyjaśnione.:

1. Clear communication

When communicating with investors, use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid technical jargon that can be difficult for non-technical people to understand. Be patient and explain technical terms in a way investors can understand.

2. Transparency

Be transparent to investors about project progress, costs and potential risks. Ensure regular project updates, including any changes or delays that may occur. Make sure you keep investors informed at every stage.

3. Professionalism

Always stay professional. Be courteous and respectful of investors when dealing with them. Make sure you meet all deadlines and deliver the products or services specified in the contract. Make sure you are always available to answer their questions and solve their problems.

4. Technical knowledge

Make sure you have the technical expertise to provide construction consulting services. Stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and regulations to provide investors with the best possible advice. Make sure you have the right team to deal with any technical challenges that may arise.

5. Good cooperation

Collaborate with investors and other stakeholders involved in the project. Listen to their concerns and ideas and incorporate them into the project when necessary. Encourage open communication and collaboration towards a common goal.

6. Ethical behavior

Przestrzegaj standardów etycznych podczas świadczenia usług doradztwa budowlanego. Upewnij się, że cała praca jest prowadzona w sposób sprawiedliwy, uczciwy i przejrzysty. Zawsze działaj w najlepiej pojętym interesie swoich klientów.

Szukasz doświadczonego doradcy budowlanego w Polsce? Voltex Invest oferuje poradnictwo budowlane, usługi budowlane, inwestycje oraz projektowanie budowlane, budowę domów, remonty, adaptacje i instalacje. Oferujemy także konsultacje budowlane, nadzór budowlany oraz doradztwo inwestycyjne. Jesteśmy zespołem ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w branży budowlanej. Skontaktuj się z nami, aby omówić swoje potrzeby budowlane i otrzymać fachową poradę od doradcy budowlanego Voltex Invest.

Get in touch now!

1. What are the rules of good practice in construction consulting so that investors without technical knowledge feel confident in my services?

When communicating with investors, use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid technical language that may be difficult for non-technical people to understand. Be patient and explain technical terms in a way that traders can understand.

2. What are the principles of transparency in construction consulting?

Inform investors about project progress, costs and potential risks. Regularly update them on the progress of the project, including any changes or delays that may occur. Make sure you keep investors informed at every stage of the project.

3. What are the principles of professionalism in construction consulting?

Always stay professional. Be courteous and respect investors. Make sure you meet all the terms and conditions of the contract. Be always available to answer questions and resolve investor concerns.

4. What are the rules of expertise in construction consulting?

Make sure you have the technical expertise to provide construction consulting services. Stay up to date with the latest trends and regulations in the industry to provide investors with the best possible advice. Make sure you have the right team to deal with any technical challenges that may arise.

5. What are the rules of cooperation in construction consulting?

Collaborate with investors and other stakeholders involved in the project. Listen to their concerns and ideas and incorporate them into the project when necessary. Encourage open communication and work together towards a common goal.

6. What are the principles of ethical behavior in construction consulting?

Follow ethical principles when providing construction consultancy services. Make sure all work is done honestly, truthfully and transparently. Always act in the best interest of your clients