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BAU 2023 Voltex Invest at the Munich Fair: Świętokrzyskie in the Light of Economic Promotion

At the BAU 2023 Fair on April 16-20, 2023, Voltex Invest had the honor to take part in a unique 3 economic mission that took place in Munich. This event was organized by the Branch for Economic Promotion of the Świętokrzyskie Region, as part of the economic promotion project of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship called "Świętokrzyskie - difficult to pronounce, easy to do business". This activity, marked as 2.4 - "Economic promotion of key industries of the region's economy", is part of the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020. More about the event na stronie organizatora.


Purpose and Context of the Away Economic Mission

Promotion of Świętokrzyskie on the International Arena

The economic mission at the BAU 2023 Fair was an important step in promoting the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship on the international arena. By supporting the development of local enterprises, we also contributed to the development of the entire region.

BAU 2023 Fair as an Industry Meeting Place

The BAU fair in Munich is one of the most important industry events in Europe, attracting representatives of key economic sectors. It was an excellent opportunity to establish contacts and promote the products and services of Świętokrzyskie companies.

The potential of the Świętokrzyskie region

The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, despite its difficult to pronounce name, has enormous potential for economic development. Thanks to its strategic location and support for entrepreneurs, this region is becoming an increasingly attractive place for investors.

Project "Świętokrzyskie – hard to pronounce, easy to do business in"

The economic promotion project "Świętokrzyskie - difficult to pronounce, easy to do business" aims to facilitate investment in the region. Activities undertaken as part of the project are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and creating favorable conditions for business development.

Achievements at BAU 2023

Na Targach BAU 2023 Voltex Invest reprezentowało województwo świętokrzyskie, prezentując swoje innowacyjne rozwiązania w dziedzinie budownictwa i infrastruktury. Misja ta przyniosła wiele wartościowych rezultatów, takich jak:

Acquiring New Business Partners

Dzięki udziałowi w targach, Voltex Invest nawiązało współpracę z wieloma nowymi partnerami biznesowymi z różnych krajów. To otworzyło przed firmą nowe perspektywy rozwoju.

Promotion of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship

Being present on the international arena allowed us to effectively promote the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship as an investor-friendly place.

Presentation of Innovative Solutions

Voltex Invest zaprezentowało swoje innowacyjne produkty i technologie, co przyciągnęło uwagę wielu zwiedzających i potencjalnych klientów.

Świętokrzyskie – a Region Worth Investing in

The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, although perhaps not yet as recognizable as some other regions of Poland, offers many benefits for entrepreneurs. Thanks to its strategic location, rich natural resources and support from local authorities, it is becoming an increasingly attractive place for investment. The project "Świętokrzyskie - difficult to pronounce, easy to do business" is proof that this region actively strives to attract investors and support economic development.

Misja gospodarcza na Targach BAU 2023 była jednym z kamieni milowych tego procesu. Dzięki udziałowi Voltex Invest i innych świętokrzyskich firm, świat zaczyna dostrzegać potencjał tego regionu.

Answers to frequently asked questions.

1. What exactly does Voltex Invest do?

Voltex Invest specjalizuje się w dziedzinie budownictwa i infrastruktury, oferując innowacyjne rozwiązania dla projektów budowlanych.

2. Why is the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship attractive to investors?

The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship offers favorable investment conditions, support from local authorities and a convenient geographical location in the heart of Poland.

3. What benefits did the economic mission at BAU 2023 bring?

This mission enabled the establishment of new business contacts, the promotion of the region and the presentation of innovative solutions.

4. What are the development prospects for the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship?

The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship has great development potential, especially in the sectors related to construction, renewable energy and processing.

5. Where can I get more information about investing in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship?

More information about investing in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship can be found below:

Get in touch now!


Misja gospodarcza na Targach BAU 2023 była ważnym krokiem w promocji województwa świętokrzyskiego i jego przedsiębiorstw na międzynarodowej scenie. Voltex Invest, reprezentując region, odniósł wiele sukcesów, pozyskując nowych partnerów biznesowych i prezentując innowacyjne rozwiązania. To dowód na to, że Świętokrzyskie staje się coraz bardziej atrakcyjnym miejscem dla inwestycji, i ma wiele do zaoferowania przedsiębiorcom.

If you are interested in investing in Świętokrzyskie, please visit our website websitesThere you will find more information on this topic.

Thank you for your attention and see you in Świętokrzyskie!